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    the Individual and World Need

    The Individual and World Need

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    Arnold's essential diagnosis of what is wrong in the world – fragmentation, alienation, lust for power and wealth – is as precise today as when he penned this essay in the 1920s. He explores the relationship of the individual to world suffering and points clearly to a solution.

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    About The Book

    This short book explores the relationship of the individual to world suffering and points clearly to a solution. Enlivened by a wide variety of anecdotes – from the ancient myth of Prometheus to the expressionist Franz Werfel – Eberhard Arnold's message is simple but revolutionary: only by overcoming the cancer of individualism can we begin to address the need of the world.

    Arnold's essential diagnosis of what is wrong in the world – fragmentation, alienation, lust for power and wealth – is as precise today as when he penned this essay in the 1920s. The agony he has us confront is so grim, it could lead one to despair. But instead he faces despair head on, grapples with it, and emerges writing about joy. How is this possible?

    Readers solely interested in personal salvation may not like this essay. Arnold calls for a commitment that may seem too demanding to some. Yet without that commitment the world will remain as it is, full of illusions about self and material things and unable to see the consequences. Arnold believes that this state of affairs does not have to be. It can be transcended by the faith that moves mountains.

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