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    white tents in a refugee camp

    The Last Christians in the News

    October 4, 2017

    Publishers Weekly: Book review: “Knapp, a German priest who works with refugees, writes [of] the plight of Assyrian Christians currently being forced from their homes in northern Iraq and Syria as a result of religious persecution. The rise of ISIS and the heightened violence between Islamic sects has made the survival of these Christian sects, some of whom still speak Aramaic dialects that date back to the time of Jesus, a tenuous proposition... This passionate book will provide much-needed anecdotal testimony for readers interested in the plight of Christians throughout Iraq and Syria.”

    The Christian Post: The Last Christians: Priest Describes Horror, Courage of Christians Being Killed for Their Faith “This book explores fundamental questions about the future of Christianity, particularly when it concerns Aramaic Christians: Will they be killed off or scattered as refugees across the world, losing forever the language that Jesus spoke and their homelands where they lived for two millennia?”

    Crosswalk: Seven Things You Should Know about the Middle East Christian Genocide

    BeliefNet: The Last Christians: Can Christians survive in the Middle East?

    Hank Hannegraaf – Hank Unplugged Podcast

    The Last Christians book cover Get the book.
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