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    Wet Sand

    To My Ocean

    Two Poems

    By Delia Corrigan

    May 30, 2018


    Mollusk holes
    burst like the sizzle
    of morning bacon to mar
    a smoothness that was there
    a moment ago.

    The colony of coquina
    panics in its exposure,
    strains indelicate feet
    to dig back under, away
    from limicolous beak

    while the husks of the others
    float then settle, settle, float
    their beauty splayed, enhanced
    in death. The shells are butterflies
    striate and multicolor, around my ankles.

    Unquelled, tidewater rushes back, no
    mere bygone echo, but reaching
    further than what’s expected, transforming
    a digging into a lifting as the bivalves
    swash and float toward the next.

    My feet burrow into ancient sediment.
    I want to kneel upon this history.
    My choice is to strain or move
    with creature surrender.
    I remember – I know

    the beginning
    the now
    the end.


    To My Ocean

    I owe you a poem
    that honors your spray crash
    path to sun and moon and possibility.
    That beats to your pounding rhythm
    unmistakable and demanding

    Always child to you,
    my aloof, watchful Companion,
    this offering is yours, like everything
    else, longing to rush back into
    your deep to be pounded

    and smoothed and perfected
    as deep calls to deep.
    Your rhythm unmistakable
    and demanding,
    I hear it always.

    a small brown shell on wet sand
    Contributed By DeliaCorrigan

    Delia Corrigan has written for The State newspaper; Reach Out, Columbia! Magazine; Lake Murray Magazine; and Columbia Metropolitan Magazine. She is the author of two children’s books, The Bad Haircut Day, and Go Team! Mascots of the SEC. Her poetry has been published in Utmost Christian Writers; Alive Now!, Beginnings magazine, Winning Writers Critique Corner, and Jasper magazine. She lives in Columbia, SC.

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