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    photograph of clematis seeds

    To-Do List

    By Devon Balwit

    October 14, 2019

    For in relation to the absolute there is only one tense: the present.
    —Søren Kierkegaard

    On my to-do list, like pulling the clematis
    from the yard, waist-high tangles
    that would’ve been easier to yank
    years ago. For now, it creeps
    echoing the mildew inside
    on ceiling and walls. One gets accustomed
    to the smell, to stumbling when playing
    with the dog. One accommodates,
    as when the cheap handyman laid
    a crooked floor, learning
    not to trip in the dark. As long as
    a single sink works, one can wash
    one’s hands of the business.

    photograph of clematis seeds
    Contributed By

    Devon Balwit teaches in Portland, Oregon. She is the author of six chapbooks and three collections. Her individual work can be found in journals such as The Cincinnati Review, apt, Posit, Peacock Journal, Eclectica, SWWIM, and more.

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