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    artwork of a ripples in water

    Poem: “Consider the Shiver”

    By Christian Wiman

    January 30, 2022
    • Mary Shellnut

      Love this! It speaks to my soul. God’s presence is so often unseen, undetected by the physical senses, yet IS….. the ripple in the water, the shiver…. The caress of a breeze, there, but not for long. Wonderful! Thank you!

    It was an easy road but stricken with glitter,
    always horizon as a vision of home.
    It was vital and virtual, drowsily actual, like a cloud on water.
    Change, when it came, came so soft it seemed a seem.

    Now time lies on the town like a town.
    The streets are empty and the doors are shut.
    God? Consider the shiver that goes through still water like a sound.
    Who would we have to be to hear it?


    artwork of a ripples in water

    Eyvind Earle, Reflections © 2021 Eyvind Earle Publishing. Used by permission.

    Contributed By ChristianWiman Christian Wiman

    Christian Wiman is a distinguished American poet and former editor of Poetry magazine.

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