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    detail from Francois painting by Bruce Herman

    Poem: Ordinary Saints

    By Malcolm Guite

    March 22, 2018
    • Teresa Serenith

      Thank you.

    • Adriana


    • Ann Schrooten

      I saw him face to face. He was my son Jack.

    • Sonya Palumbo

      Thank you for sharing your work with us. The line , "Who will unveil the presence, glimpse the gold That is and always was our common ground, Stretch out a finger, feel, along the fold To find the flaw, to touch and search that wound From which the light we never noticed fell Into our lives? " shown through to my heart.

    The ordinary saints, the ones we know,
    Our too-familiar family and friends,
    When shall we see them? Who can truly show
    Whilst still rough-hewn, the God who shapes our ends?
    Who will unveil the presence, glimpse the gold
    That is and always was our common ground,
    Stretch out a finger, feel, along the fold
    To find the flaw, to touch and search that wound
    From which the light we never noticed fell
    Into our lives? Remember how we turned
    To look at them, and they looked back? That full-
    -eyed love unselved us, and we turned around,
    Unready for the wrench and reach of grace.
    But one day we will see them face to face.

    portrait of a young man

    Bruce Herman, François, 2014 Used by permission.

    Contributed By MalcolmGuite Malcolm Guite

    Malcolm Guite is a poet, priest, and lead singer and guitarist for the blues-rock band Mystery Train.

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