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    A line of illegal immigrants is sent back across the border.

    A Thanksgiving Prayer

    By Charles E. Moore

    November 23, 2013

    Available languages: Español

    • Sue Hallock

      Thank you for this expression of the "marching orders" Jesus spoke to us, especially in The Sermon on the Mount. Indeed, with the Lord's help it's "doable" once we give our all to the present and coming Kingdom.

    • Mohapi

      I really apprecite what your are doing, may the good Lord bless you and expand your territory, in the Mighty name of Jesus Amen.

    • Jack Maendel from Oak Bluff


    • Nicole Solomon

      I hardly know what to say to this other than it is sinking deeply into my heart and something to hang on my wall to always remember--it's a life of service that really shows thanks to God in the end. Thank you for this important reminder--we need it every day to seek for God's kingdom.

    O Lord, how can I thank you

    • for the bounty on my table and the extras stuffed in my fridge, when thousands of children still die every day of starvation?
    • for the comforts of my home, when over 600,000 Americans are homeless?
    • for my health, when millions of people can’t afford to see a doctor when sick or fill the prescriptions they need?

    O Lord, how can I thank you

    • for the work I have that pays the bills, when so many are unemployed or don’t earn a living wage?
    • for a life free of calamities, when earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, and fires ravage entire populations?
    • for the leisure time I spend reading for pleasure, when nearly a billion people are unable to read a book or sign their name?

    O Lord, how can I thank you

    • for a life of peace, when bullets fly in inner cities and schools, and when drones, landmines, missiles, and sanctions stalk the lives of millions?
    • for this country of ours, so blessed and free, when the soldiers who fought for it are killing themselves at a rate of 22 a day?
    • for the wonders of nature, when half the people on this planet are stuck in cities?

    O Lord, how can I thank you

    • for my wife’s tender love, when half the marriages around me will fall apart?
    • for my child’s smile, when more than one in four children don’t even live with their fathers?
    • for my daughter’s happiness when thousands of teenage girls are cutting or starving themselves in quiet desperation?

    O Lord, how can I thank you

    • for the freedom to go where I want, say what I think, and do what I like, when up to 27 million people work as slaves or are trafficked for commercial sex exploitation every year?
    • for friends to love and who love me, when every fifth person lives alone and has no more than one significant conversation every six months?
    • for giving me faith and hope, a reason to live, when one in ten American adults reports they are depressed?

    O Lord, how can I thank you for all the blessings you bestow, unless I

    • spend less on myself,
    • give more to others,
    • befriend the friendless,
    • help the helpless,
    • strengthen the weak,
    • lift up the downcast,
    • give faith to the faithless,
    • pray for the hopeless,
    • thank the thankless,
    • defend the defenseless,
    • embrace the rejected,
    • clothe the naked,
    • and feed the hungry?
    O Lord, I do thank you, for I have so much to thank you for. But one thing I ask of you, and one thing only: help me to thank you not just with heart and lips, but by the very life I live.
    Contributed By CharlesMoore Charles E. Moore

    Charles E. Moore is a writer and contributing editor to Plough. He is a member of the Bruderhof, an intentional community movement based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

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