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    Sieger Köder, “The Meal,” from the Lenten veil Hope for the Excluded, 1996, detail

    Table Fellowship

    January 22, 2019

    Available languages: Français

    • Kathy Jo West

      I so love this print by Sieger Koder!! "The Meal". Do you know where I could purchase a print? I want to look at it each day. Thank you so much.

    Sieger köder (1925–2015) was a German soldier in World War II who was captured while fighting on the front lines in France. Upon his release, he first trained as a silversmith, then enrolled in Stuttgart’s State Academy of Art and Design.

    Köder painted and taught art for twelve years before beginning a new course of study in Tübingen: Catholic theology. Ordained as a priest in 1971, he pastored until his retirement in 1995, but he never stopped painting.

    Drawing from both vocations, Köder’s art flourished during his years of ministry. His altarpieces, paintings, frescoes, and stained glass windows can be found throughout Germany and beyond. His interpretations of the crucifixion, of innocent suffering, have a clarity born of his own history of war and captivity. Some have called him a “preacher with pictures.”

    But as his work gained worldwide recognition, he refused to take credit himself. In one interview, he said, “People come to Ellwangen asking to see the painter. If they’re that interested in the painter, then they haven’t understood the paintings.”

    Sieger Köder, “The Meal,” from the Lenten veil Hope for the Excluded, 1996

    Sieger Köder, “The Meal,” from the Lenten veil Hope for the Excluded, 1996

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