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    Old wooden type on a wooden shelf

    Daniel Stulac

    • Agrarian
    • Old Testament scholar
    Daniel Stulac was raised as a Protestant in a small Midwestern town. After graduating from Dartmouth University in 2001, he worked as a campus minister there for three years. Stulac then worked as manager of the Dartmouth Organic Farm before serving for two years in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda, with his wife, Sarah Messner, as co-directors of agricultural development with Partners in Health (Rwanda). Upon his return to the United States, Stulac attended Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating in 2012 with a Masters of Divinity. He is now a doctoral candidate in Old Testament studies at Duke University. His ultimate desire, Stulac says, is to “help others think globally about the Christian church and learn to encounter scripture in a deeper, more meaningful way.” 

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