Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Winter 2018, Number 15 Editor’s Letter: The Joys of Tech Asceticism Peter Mommsen 3 Readers Respond 6 Family and Friends 10 Letter from Jerusalem DanaWiser 13 Conversation: The Ministry of Reconciliation Cardinal Dolan, John Perkins, Robert P. George, Stacey Rein, R. R. Reno, Patrick Regan 14 Family Corner: Awake the Harp Maureen Swinger 18 Feature: The Tech Issue The Immortality Machine Michael Plato 20 Simulating Religion Alexi Sargeant 26 Reading: The Soul of Work Eberhard Arnold 33 Why Children Need White Space Johann Christoph Arnold 34 Interview: The Technology of Gender Paul R. McHugh 39 Digging Deeper 42 Essay: The Gods of Progress Philip Britts 44 Anabaptist Technology John Rhodes 49 Your Neighbor Lives Next Door Chico Fajardo-Heflin 55 Profile: The Perfect Tool Susannah Black 58 Endangered Habitat Stephanie Bennett 66 The Pen and the Keyboard Mark Bauerlein 70 Meet a True Story MichaelT. McRay 72 Views and Reviews Poem: A Poem for My Son about Grace Jacob Stratman 76 Editors’ Picks 77 Reading: The Angels of Annunciation Alfred Delp 79 Forerunners: Viktor Frankl Jason Landsel 80 Artists: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Jack Baumgartner, Nicholas Roerich, Rachel Newling, Kay Polk, Suellen McCrary, Stephen Scott Young, Jie Wei Zhou, Kiéra Malone, Torkel Pettersson, Mari Rast, Albrecht Dürer, René Magritte Cover: Kyle T. Webster W W W . P L O U G H . C O M