Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Spring 2017, Number 12 Editor’s Letter Peter Mommsen 3 Readers Respond 5 Family and Friends 9 Feature: Courage God’s Cop: A Tribute to Steven McDonald Sam Hine 10 The Teacher Who Never Spoke Maureen Swinger 18 Interview: Bonhoeffer in China Yu Jie 30 The Comandante and the King Raúl Suárez 38 Confronted by Dorothy D. L. Mayfield 44 Insights on Courage Teresa of Avila, George Bernard Shaw, Meister Eckhart, Mother Teresa 49 The Art of Courage Dorothy Day 50 Why We Hope Christoph F. Blumhardt 56 Poetry Poetry: Harlem Postcards Christopher Zimmerman 28 Poetry Comic: T.S. Eliot’s “Little Gidding” Julian Peters 60 Reviews and Profiles From the Archives: The Need of Refugees 65 Review: Listening to Silence Sam Hine 66 Editors’ Picks 69 Community Profile: The Happy Nuns Rebekah Domer 70 Lives: Traudl Wallbrecher Bernhard Koch 76 Forerunners: Thomas Müntzer Jason Landsel 80 Artists: Nikolay Nikolayevich Ge, Boris Ivanovich Kopylov, Taisia Afonina, Wayne Forte, Julian Peters, Jason Landsel, Dave Beckerman, Luca Sartoni, Wu Guanzhong, Sadao Watanabe Cover: The girl and balloon were painted by Banksy on a Southbank wall in London, with the words, “There is always hope.” See photo on page 3. W W W . P L O U G H . C O M