Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Winter 2017, Number 11 Editor’s Letter Peter Mommsen 3 Readers Respond 5 Family and Friends 7 Feature: Alien Citizens Interview: Building a Communal Church Rod Dreher 8 Alien Citizens: Why the Church Is Political Will Willimon 17 Becoming Flesh and Blood Eberhard Arnold 22 Finding Utopia Thomas Nauerth 27 In Search of a City Charles E. Moore 36 The Hole in Wendell Berry’s Gospel Tamara Hill Murphy 42 Portfolio: American Stories John Noltner 47 I Am My Enemy Luma Simms 54 The Real Radicals: Persecuted Christians Today Eddie Lyle 59 Poetry and Fiction Poem: As for Me Thomas Lequin 63 Poem: Hanging On Thomas Lequin 63 Story: The Chess Player Ger Koopman 64 Poem: Testimony Thomas Lequin 74 Reviews and Profiles Editors’ Picks 75 Reviving T. S. Eliot’s Christian Society Nathaniel Peters 76 Forerunners: Joe Strummer Jason Landsel 80 Artists: William Blake, Brigitta Racz, Zhu Jiuyang, Lukandwa Dominic, Christina Maendel, Bill Jacklin, Neil Welliver, Jason Landsel, Pino D’Amico, Piet Mondrian, William Johnson, John Noltner, Bob Bell W W W . P L O U G H . C O M