Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Autumn 2016, Number 10 Editor’s Letter Peter Mommsen 3 Readers Respond 5 New Books from Plough 6 Family and Friends 7 Viewpoint: Death Knell for Just War John Dear 8 Lives: Remembering Daniel Berrigan John Dear 10 Letter from Erbil: My Return to Iraq Yacoub Yousif 13 Feature: What Makes Humans Sacred? Richard Dawkins’s Cure for Down Syndrome Erna Albertz 16 Reading: The Gospel of Life Pope John Paul II 24 Interview: Jesus and the Death Penalty Shane Claiborne 26 How Pro-Life Was the Early Church? Ronald J. Sider 34 Insights Pope Francis 35 Spencer Perkins 37 The Didache 39 A World Where Abortion Is Unthinkable Shelley Douglass 41 Snapshots: Gardening with Guns Sam Hine 44 A Good Death: A Nurse Questions Euthanasia Steven Fouch 53 Behold the Glory of Pigs Joel Salatin 58 Poem: An Apology for Vivian Joseph Michael Fino 67 Reviews and Essays Editors’ Picks 65 Can Germany Integrate One Million Refugees? Roger Mielke 68 In Praise of George MacDonald Marianne Wright 76 Reading: Who Invented Thirst and Water? George MacDonald 79 Forerunners: Muhammad Ali Jason Landsel 80 Artists: Pawel Kuczynski, Xenia Hausner, William H. Johnson, Käthe Kollwitz, Deidre Scherer, Jason Landsel W W W . P L O U G H . C O M