Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Summer 2016, Number 9 Editor’s Letter 3 Readers Respond 4 Family and Friends 6 Reflection: The God Who Heals Rick Warren 7 Feature: All Things in Common Life Together Charles E. Moore 10 Insights: Solidarity Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt 13 Possessions C. S. Lewis 15 Deeds Jean Vanier 16 Differences Henri J. M. Nouwen 17 Unity Chiara Lubich 18 Repentance Johann Christoph Arnold 19 At Table Leonardo Boff 21 From Property to Community Eberhard Arnold 22 Interview: Why Community Is Dangerous Stanley Hauerwas 32 Confessing to One Another Johnny Fransham 40 Two Millennia of Christian Community Alden Bass 42 Portrait: Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Jamal Huleatt 50 Portrait: Jubilee Partners Sam Hine 53 The Luxury of Being Surprised D. L. Mayfield 56 Poetry and Fiction Poem: Rainfall Matthew Baker 31 Story: Changdu’s Pepper Patch Kwon Jeong-saeng 58 Reviews and Profiles Editors’ Picks 66 The Jesus Indians of Ohio Craig D.Atwood 68 Mexico’s Pacifist Mayans Pedro H.Arriaga Alarcón 74 Why I Wear a Head Covering Norann Voll 78 Forerunners: Vincent van Gogh Jason Landsel 80 Artists: Salvador Dalí, Wassily Kandinsky, Juan Rizi, Marianne Stokes, Francisco de Zurbarán, Kim Dong-sung, Christian Schussele W W W . P L O U G H . C O M