Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12Plough Quarterly B R E A K I N G G R O U N D F O R A R E N E W E D W O R L D Summer 2015, Number 5 Crossing a New Rubicon Maureen Swinger 5 Jesus Abbey: Reconciling a Divided Korea Ben Torrey 8 Lessons from a Village Cow Mahlon Vanderhoof 11 Feature: Peacemakers Waging Peace in the Culture Wars R. R. Reno 12 Insights on Peacemaking Charles Spurgeon, Jeannette Rankin André Trocmé 18 Forgive the Unforgivable? Johann Christoph Arnold 19 The Children of War Cat Carter 24 What Gandhi Taught Me about Jesus A. C. Oommen 34 The Future of Christian Nonviolence Tom Cornell 39 Nonviolence: No Impossible Ideal Dietrich Bonhoeffer 47 Is Pacifism Enough? Eberhard Arnold 49 Disruptive Peacemaking Ethan Hughes 50 The Blessings of Conflict Charles E. Moore 56 More Insights on Peacemaking Peace Pilgrim,Albert Schweitzer 58 From Small Seeds, Great Things Grow Richard Joyner 59 Poetry and Story Poem: Errand David Baker 23 Poems: Damascus Plumbed, Fiddlesticks Peter Branson 55 The Legend of Heliopher Maxim Gorky and Hardy Arnold 62 Reviews and Profiles The Face of Nonviolence Staughton Lynd 65 Editors’ Picks 69 Discovering Blumhardt Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove 70 Forerunners: Badshah Khan Veery Huleatt 72 Artists: Marc Chagall, Egon Schiele, Lisa Toth, Carl Larsson, Ben Shahn, Jason Landsel, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, Paul Klee, Antonello da Messina About the cover: When the Harara family’s children returned to their bombed home in Gaza in 2014, they found undetonated shells. They scraped out the explosives and used them as flowerpots. Photograph by Kyrre Lien. W W W. P L O U G H . C O M